Employers may wonder; why can't we conduct our own social media screening in-house? This is incredibly risky! Understanding Protected Class Safety ...
"Why Can't We Screen Social Media In-House?"
One quick look at an applicant's public social media profile can reveal a lot of personal information, including their sexual orientation or religion. This can open your company up to discrimination lawsuits if the candidate is not offered the job. As such, CIC will protect your company from seeing what is called protected class information.
Protected Class Safety Feature
CIC's Social Media Search uses AI and FCRA-trained human analysts to conduct the research. Then, CIC will redact protected class information from the final report, thus eliminating the unintentional application of bias to your employment decisions.
To learn more about how our Social Media Screening with Protected Class Safety feature works, contact Kristy Dutton at
For more information about this article, or general Employment Screening Services, please contact us at 1.800.573.2201 / 419.874.2201.