Our Expertise ... Your Peace of Mind. 419.874.2201

Financial Fraud

CIC investigators probe cases involving financial fraud and embezzlement to expose methods used to circumvent accounting systems.

Financial Fraud Investigations

Forensic accounting in fraud or theft investigations takes specialized skills and wide experience. CIC’s financial fraud investigators have developed a critical eye and know what methods can be used to try to circumvent accounting systems.

The expert fraud investigators at Corporate Intelligence Consultants routinely assist legal counsel with pleading, discovery, and analysis of other expert witness reports. We have worked with attorneys and corporations to solve problems in the areas of:

  • Financial Fraud
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Estates and Trusts
  • Shareholder and Partnership Disputes
  • Breach of Fiduciary Responsibility
  • Franchise Disputes
  • Embezzlement
  • Divorce

Call CIC at 1.800.573.2201 to speak with one of our skilled investigators to discuss suspected Financial Fraud in your organization.

Our Expertise ... Your Peace of Mind.

Do you have an urgent issue to discuss with an Investigator? Please contact us by phone at 1.800.573.2201.